Volunteer Opportunities


Are you looking for a place to use your God-given gifts at QAC?  Have you been wondering what you could do to be a blessing to someone?  There is a place for you here! Please speak to Pastor Allan or Karen in the church office if you are interested in any of these positions.


1)  Greeters - We want every newcomer to feel welcomed when they visit our worship service.  Greeters offer hospitality and help visitors find their way around the church. If you are interested, talk to Wendy at the Welcome Desk!


2)  Corner Cafe -  The Corner Cafe serves coffee, tea, treats and smiles every Sunday morning! If you have a servant's heart and want to help create a friendly atmosphere where people can connect and build community, this ministry is for you!


3) Children's Ministry - Serving our QAC Kids is a rewarding opportunity!  Current positions available are:   

 Kid's Church and Nursery Helpers
(Valid police checks and Plan to Protect training are required to volunteer with children)  


4) Audio/Visual Team - If you are interested in all things techie, let us know.  Currently we need help with our video and song projections team for Sunday mornings.

We also need sound techs. If you have an ear for music and would like to learn to run the sound board, training is available. 


5) Worship Team - Do you play an instrument for just use your voice as an instrument to the Lord? We might have a place for you. Contact the church office to join the team.